When Every Minute Matters
Get the PLAN for Success 4 simple steps to support children with emotional and behaviors challenges
P-L-A-N 4 Success!
4 Steps to Success for Children with Emotional
& Behavioral Challenges ©
"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending"
- C.S. Lewis
Children with physical, developmental, or emotional challenges have unique needs that impact participation in life's daily routines and activities at home, school, and in the community. These challenges often impact academic, social, and emotional growth causing significant stress and frustration for the child, family, teachers, and caregivers who strive to make each and every day a little better.
To meet the complex needs of children who struggle with emotional and behavioral health, a comprehensive evidence-based P-L-A-N has been developed that serves to educate, motivate, adapt, and promote success and well-being for improved outcomes and quality of life. With its roots in occupational therapy, the "P-L-A-N, 4 Steps to Success for Children with Emotional and Behavioral Challenges"© is a comprehensive program that organizes and embeds practical interventions into daily routines.
4 simple steps offer an organized system to plan, create interventions, and track progress using evidence-based strategies that are proven to develop self-awareness, self-regulation, social relationships, and social responsibility for healthy brain development and enhanced well-being to last a lifetime!
- Dr. Yvonne Cosentino, OTD, OTR/L
President and founder
O.T. For Kids, Inc.
When every minute matters you need the
P-L-A-N 4 Success!©
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